Feb 11, 2025
CVR MLS encourages all our users to complete a Road Rules Compliance class at least once a year. In addition to staying informed on MLS rules, regulations, industry news and trends, completion of the class earns you a fine waiver.
Here are few ground rules for using your fine waiver:
- Fine waivers are good for a one-time application towards most MLS violations. Fine waivers cannot be used for lockbox or password violations.
- Fine waivers expire one year after the date they were earned. We encourage you to take the class annually to keep an active waiver on file.
- You can take the class as often as you would like, but you can only have one active Road Rules waiver on file.
- Waivers must be earned prior to the receipt of a compliance notice.
- If you receive a fine and want to use your fine waiver, reply to the fine notice giving CVR MLS staff permission to apply your fine waiver.
If you have not taken a Road Rules class, now is a good time to do so. You can register for a live, virtual class, or take our on-demand class at your leisure.
See Section 9.6.1 – MLS Fine Waivers for more information or contact our Compliance Team at [email protected] or (804) 422-5004.