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Home > Compliance > What is AICUZ?
What is AICUZ?
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What is AICUZ?

The Air Installations Comparable Use Zones program (AICUZ) was developed by the Department of Defense to assist local, state and federal officials in protecting residents living around military facilities while preserving defense flying missions. 

AICUZ provides development guidelines, specifically around noise levels and accident potential zones (APZs), to support local land development, while still maintaining the air station’s mission.

While many of these military facilities were built decades ago, urban growth gradually crept towards these operations.  AICUZ was developed to balance public complaints and safety concerns against adverse impacts on military operations. 

AICUZ and Disclosure

Due to the high military presence in the Hampton Roads area, many of the local jurisdictions there have adopted AICUZ standards into their local ordinances and established AICUZ zones. 

If a property is located within these zones, anyone selling or leasing a property must provide a written disclosure to potential buyers and lessees, and contracts and leases must also contain an appropriate disclosure.  Additionally, Virginia law requires the disclosure of any noise or APZs under the Residential Property Disclosure Act (through the DPOR Military Installation Disclosure Form). 

REIN Data Share

REIN listings displayed in CVR MLS may have AICUZ levels in the Disclosure fields.  It is recommended that agents check local resources to verify whether a property is in an AICUZ zone and refer to specific local ordinances as requirements within these AICUZ zones can vary depending on the location. 

Helpful Links:

DPOR Military Air Installation Disclosure Form

Langley-Eustis AICUZ Realtor Map Brochure


  • Chesapeake has AICUZ zones surrounding Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Fentress.


  • Hampton has AICUZ zones surrounding Langley Air Force Base.

Newport News:

  • Newport News has AICUZ zones surrounding Langley Air Force Base.


  • Norfolk has AICUZ zones surrounding Naval Station Norfolk and Chambers Field.

Virginia Beach:

  • Virginia Beach has extensive AICUZ zones due to the presence of Naval Air Station Oceana and Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Fentress. 


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