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Home > MLS Resources > ShowingTime Buffer Time Feature
ShowingTime Buffer Time Feature
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Requiring Buffer Time between showing appointments can help avoid scheduling overlaps and can be set at both the agent and office levels.



On the ShowingTime home page, select "Edit Profile"


In the Listing Agent - Showing Preferences section, find the BufferTime Between Appointments if Scheduling Overlaps are not Allowed field. Select the amount of desired buffer time, up to 90 minutes. Save your changes.


On the lefthand side, select Listing Setup.



Select the desired listing from the list.



Scroll down to the Appointment Restrictions section. Make sure that "Allow Scheduling Overlaps" is set to "No." Then, select the desired buffer time and save your changes.


Office Managers and Brokers:

On the left hand side, select "Office Setup."


Scroll down to Default Settings for New Listings and find the Buffer Time Between Appointments if Scheduling Overlaps are not Allowed. Select the desire buffer time, up to 90 minutes, and save your changes. The Buffer Time feature will now appear on all of your agents' listing setup.





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